Another day on the train today. We were split into two groups this morning and the first group drew the short straw – a 4.30am start. Our start was much more leisurely – we left the hotel at 8.45am for

Day 4 – Berlin
If ever there was a city which made the case for not building a wall, then that city is Berlin. Today we had a full day in Berlin and they laid on a city tour for us. A prompt start

Day 3 – Paris to Berlin
Well, we need to get used to longer train journeys, so today was good practice. It should have been seven and a half hours, but astonishingly the second (German) train was late, so it was about 15 minutes longer. We

Travel for 2019
On February 17th we start our journey to Hong Kong from St. Pancras. From London we head for Paris for one night and then on to Moscow via Berlin and Warsaw. At Moscow we board the Trans-Siberian via Ulan Bator