Today was the first of two travelling days. We set off around 9.45am from Ladysmith and Tony and Gwen kindly dropped us at the ferry terminal in Nanaimo. There was an extra ferry on this morning, so while we were

Around Ladysmith
Today we opted for a quieter day – a tour around the places closer to Ladysmith. We started by heading down to the Kinsol Trestle – just inland from Duncan. This is a wooden trestle bridge north of Shawnigan Lake.

Round the Island (Day 2)
We stayed overnight at Port Renfrew – a lovely spot overlooking the bay. from there we set off west a short distance to a spot called Botanical beach Provincial Park. We had timed getting there for low water as it

Round the Island (Day 1)
Given a good forecast for a couple of days, Tony and Gwen offered to take us off on a tour of Vancouver Island. Well actually the tour was planned to be just a small part of the south of the

Hope to Vancouver Island
A day of travelling today. We set off about 9.30am to head to North Vancouver and drop the car off. This should have been an easy run – under two hours, but these things rarely go to plan! We managed

Heading to Hope
Mainly a driving day today. We set off around 9am and headed back on the Crows Nest Highway. After a stop at Deadwood Junction (a very nice cafe) in Greenwood for a coffee and butter tart (!) we carried on

Touring West Kootenay
Today, as if we needed it, we got more evidence of how big Canada is. We are in British Columbia and BC is 7.2 times the size of England. If you take all of Canada, then it is well over

Around Rossland
The weather today was one of those days which illustrated why Canada is so green. Rain and then some more …. We are staying with Sue in Rossland – a mountain-biking and ski resort, though there was little evidence of

A run across to Rossland
With only a few hours driving to do to get to Rossland, we decided to spend the morning in Osoyoos. The area is known as a dry, shrub-grassland is one of Canada’s most fragile and endangered ecosystems. Given just over

Off to Osoyoos
Having not slept stunningly, we decided to make an early start and headed off about 6.30am. We decided to head for a place called Bridal Falls – just under a couple of hours drive to the east of Vancouver. There